Real quick…
Integrity may not sound like the most lucrative value your business holds, but it is. We don’t typically think of integrity in this way. Many times we can approach integrity with a sense of duty, subconsciously resenting that it slows down our profitability. This is short-term thinking at its worst. Integrity is as important to your profit margin as any other core value.
Real simple…
Integrity manages the effectiveness of everything else you value. For example, in an organization that values customer service and stewardship, it is a commitment to integrity that upholds efforts for excellent customer service while maintaining accurate bookkeeping and financial accountability. If the integration of these two are not superintended, then they will be at danger of becoming out of balance and bringing damage to the company. This could result in over promised services from an underfunded business.
Real success…
It is our commitment to integrity that keeps our business values complementing each other for maximum success. This should lead us to treat integrity as a “first among equals”. While each of our values is equally important to success, integrity must be given the priority. The more we invest in integrity, the healthier all of our values become. This will result in succeeding in a way that is consistent with your identity, not just your wallet. This may not get you rich quick, but investing in integrity will “pay off” when the compound interest of trust and consistency is deposited to your team and clients. Not to mention it will bring with it the blessing of God.